Saturday, May 19, 2007

The reason of choosing Global Warming as a report

The blog is a project that we asked to do. It contains many information about me, my studies, and a subject which I see it as a very important subject in world due to the direct relation with world the “Global warming” is a big issue that we should put in our concern due to what it means and how effective it is in our life and this was the barbs that make me write about this subject.
As we know economic side in every country needs many manufactures and a lot of importing and exporting and this kind of trading which every country looking for requires a lot of consumers and many of fuel kinds which causes the global warming. In addition this blog will show how we effect in some far places that we might never herd about but we do effect in them and in the nature life in it.

This blog will attract you by what it shows, things that you might not hear about global warming destroys and it raises many problems. Am writing about this subject in order to explain how much effective it is in our life and to tell people that their live and their next generation’s life depends on facts and records not only on the cretin live.

Every single person should think or at least ask him self about the reason why temperature is in raising if he lives in cool country and what is happening in other county which are known as hot weather countries. Weather is getting worst every day and we should do something as fast as we can and we should admit that we are very careless and we are going to solve or give a hand to solve this problem starting with ourselves.

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