Friday, November 23, 2007

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, AE
My name is Saleh. I'm 24 years old and I study at Higher Colleges. I live in a big house with my family which includes my parents, 4 brothers and two sisters. Having a big family is quite interesting and common in UAE. I have been sent by my company to study Chemical Engineering in HCT and I find it a challengeable and quite interesting subject. I have made many friendship relations in the college. What I like about HCT in particular is that it is a multi national institution where we have staff from many countries. In my free time, I like to go on camping and barbecue with friends where we spend nice time together. We usually plan our trips and try to discover new places in the Emirates. In the summer I like to travel to other countries. Sometimes I travel with family or group of friends. Last summer I traveled to one of my favorite places, which was Malaysia. It is a very interesting place to visit. It has many natural places and sea views. The people there are friendly. The food was good and variety was found in most of the restaurants. The country has multi religions and cultures.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

The reason of choosing Global Warming as a report

The blog is a project that we asked to do. It contains many information about me, my studies, and a subject which I see it as a very important subject in world due to the direct relation with world the “Global warming” is a big issue that we should put in our concern due to what it means and how effective it is in our life and this was the barbs that make me write about this subject.
As we know economic side in every country needs many manufactures and a lot of importing and exporting and this kind of trading which every country looking for requires a lot of consumers and many of fuel kinds which causes the global warming. In addition this blog will show how we effect in some far places that we might never herd about but we do effect in them and in the nature life in it.

This blog will attract you by what it shows, things that you might not hear about global warming destroys and it raises many problems. Am writing about this subject in order to explain how much effective it is in our life and to tell people that their live and their next generation’s life depends on facts and records not only on the cretin live.

Every single person should think or at least ask him self about the reason why temperature is in raising if he lives in cool country and what is happening in other county which are known as hot weather countries. Weather is getting worst every day and we should do something as fast as we can and we should admit that we are very careless and we are going to solve or give a hand to solve this problem starting with ourselves.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Definition of Global Warming

It is important to understand and discuss the significance of global warming. Global warming is also known as the "Greenhouse effect". The "Greenhouse Earth" is surrounded by a shield of atmospheric gases, rather than a glass or a plastic cover. The air that makes up our atmosphere consists primarily of nitrogen and oxygen molecules (N2 at 78% and O2 at 21%). A large number of "trace gases" make up the remainder of air's composition. Many of these, including carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) are the so called "greenhouse" gases.
If you have ever felt the piercing cold of the clear winter night sky and wondered why you feel warmer on a cloudy winter night, you have experienced the atmospheric greenhouse effect firsthand. Physics tell us that any object warmer than absolute zero will radiate energy. Cooler objects emit longer waves (in the infrared region) while hotter ones radiate shorter wavelengths. Our sun, powered by its hot, nuclear fusion reaction, produces radiant energy in the visible and ultraviolet regions with relatively short wavelengths. Of the sunlight that strikes the earth, about 70% is absorbed by the planet and its atmosphere, while the other 30% is immediately reflected. If the earth did not re-radiate most of this newly absorbed energy back into space the world would continue to get warmer. Instead, an energy balance is maintained.

The earth is about 60 degrees Fahrenheit (33 degrees Celsius) warmer than it would be if it did not have the atmospheric blanket of greenhouse gases and clouds around it. Clouds and greenhouse gases keep the earth warm. Once warmed, their molecules then radiate a portion of this heat energy back to earth, creating more warming on the surface of our planet. It is this radiation which causes atmospheric gases to move back to earth that scientists call the "greenhouse effect".

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Movie Review: An Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore in the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth." "There is no controversy about these facts," he says in the film. "Out of 925 recent articles in peer-review scientific journals about global warming, there was no disagreement. Zero."

He stands next to a big vast screen, to face audience. The documentary is based on a speech he has been developing for six years, and is supported by dramatic visuals. He shows the famous photograph "Earthrise," taken from space by the first American astronauts. Then he shows a series of later space photographs, clearly indicating that glaciers and lakes are shrinking, snows are melting, shorelines are retreating.

He provides statistics: The 10 warmest years in history were in the last 14 years. Last year South America faced first hurricane. Japan and the Pacific are setting records for typhoons. There are changes in the Gulf Stream and the jet stream. Cores of polar ice show that carbon dioxide is much, much higher than ever before in a quarter of a million years. It was once thought that such things went in cycles. Gore stands in front of a graph showing the ups and downs of carbon dioxide over the centuries. Yes, there is a cyclical pattern. Then, in recent years, the graph turns up and keeps going up, higher and higher, off the chart.

The primary man-made cause of global warming is the burning of fossil fuels. We are taking energy stored over hundreds of millions of years in the form of coal, gas and oil, and releasing it suddenly. This causes global warming, and there is a pass-along effect. Since glaciers and snow reflect sunlight but sea water absorbs it, the more the ice melts, the more of the sun's energy is retained by the sea.

"The world won't 'end' in 10 years," Gore says. "But a point will have been passed, and there will be an irreversible slide into destruction."

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Causes of Global warming

Carbon Dioxide from Power Plants carbon dioxide emissions stem from the burning of fossil fuels for the purpose of electricity generation. Coal accounts for 93 percent of the emissions from the electric utility industry and cars.
Coal emits around 1.7 times as much carbon per unit of energy when burned as does natural gas and 1.25 times as much as oil. Natural gas gives off 50% of the carbon dioxide, Methane While carbon dioxide is the principal greenhouse gas, methane is second most important. According to the IPCC, Methane is more than 20 times aseffective as CO2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere.

Nitrous oxide another greenhouse gas is Nitrous oxide (N2O), a colorless, non-flammable gas with a sweetish odour, commonly known as "laughing gas", and sometimes used as an anesthetic. Nitrous oxide is naturally produced by oceans and rainforests. Man-made sources of nitrous oxide include nylon and nitric acid production

Deforestation After carbon emissions caused by humans, deforestation is the second principle cause of atmospheric carbon dioxide. (NASA Web Site) Deforestation is responsible for 25% of all carbon emissions entering the atmosphere, by the burning and cutting of about 34 million acres of trees each year.City Gridlock Cities are tolerating gridlock. In 1996 according to an annual study by traffic engineers [as reported in the San Francisco Chronicle December 10, 1996] from Texas A and M University, it was found that drivers in Los Angeles and New York City alone wasted 600 million gallons of gas annually while just sitting in traffic. The 600 million gallons of gas translates to about 7.5 million tons of carbon dioxide in just those two cities.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Cause of Global Warming

Tendrils of condensation that mark the paths of high-flying jets sometimes form a loose lacework of man-made clouds in the upper atmosphere. The extra blanket of atmospheric insulation from these spreading contrails, as they are called, could accelerate global warming, studies have shown.

Now a group of researchers says something should be done. Their proposal would lengthen the typical airline flight.

High-altitude cirrus clouds, both natural and jet-induced, are unlike thicker low-altitude clouds, which block sunlight from reaching the surface. The thinner cirrus, which float in the sky at 20,000 feet or higher, act like a see-through blanket - letting sunlight pass in, while trapping reflected heat.

A rise in contrail formation -- and therefore blanketing -- is expected in the future, because air travel is growing at 3 percent to 5 percent a year, and cargo transportation by air is increasing by 7 percent a year and in order the toxic gasses will increase like carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, soot and water vapor.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Headlines in the U.A.E
"UAE Beats Americans' Environmental Harm"
"Abu Dhabi Schools switch off to mark Earth Day"
"The Middle East Is Setting an Environmental Example"

Sunday, May 13, 2007


In conclusion, this subject and searching for information’s looking after what it affects in our life taught me many things. First, before I get involved with this project I didn't know any things about global warming. However, after I finished searching in the internet and doing this project I know every thing tiny and huge about global warming. Moreover, I never knew anything about global warming until I did this report. It taught me a lot of things about what has happened and what is happening on Earth. In addition, the causes and effects of global warming and what can the people do for stop the high temperature on Earth. During do these projects, I read many topics have many opinions from many people and everyone have any opinions or information about global warming please tries to give me. Global warming is something that is definitely happening and we can be able to stop it, only as much as possible. Therefore we need to do the changes that will take place before it is too late and the global warming is happened. As I said, global warming might not hurt us but it will definitely hurt our next generations in the future. Now, some people start thinking about the future generation and not for themselves and try to get used to the changes to get to a solution to this issue. Many people or governments will not agree to this because they don't care for the future generation and they are like money more than any thing in this Earth. Governments can play a big role to reach for a solution.

Sunday, March 11, 2007